• September 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Why Keeping Health in Mind is Important for a Desk Job Those of us who work at desk jobs do a lot of sitting. This can easily give us sedentary lives considering we are sitting all day, losing energy, and then after work, we are too tired to get in some exercise. In addition, poor desk posture can lead

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  • August 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Chiropractic Treatment For Auto Accident Injuries When you’re involved in an auto accident - even one that could be described as minor - there are a number of things to consider. There are items that are obvious to take care of such as automotive damage, insurance arrangements, police reports, etc.

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  • July 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Hiking and Chiropractic With summer finally here, hikers will be taking on their favorite rocky trails. Even the most experienced hiker knows the unexpected can happen out there on the trails, so it’s best to be prepared for anything. That means anything from having the right gear and knowing how to

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  • June 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Back Comfort at Home As stay-at-home restrictions are loosened, chiropractic patients are getting long-delayed treatments for pain in their backs, necks, and limbs. But for the many who are still observing some degree of physical distancing, incurring musculoskeletal problems at home remains a significant

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  • May 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Runners Are you a casual runner, someone who starts each day with a jog? Or perhaps a marathon runner, training for your next big 30k? Whatever type of runner you classify yourself, it’s important that you keep your body ready for the kind of running you love to do.

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  • April 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Multiple Sclerosis, also known as MS, is a progressive chronic disease that attacks the body’s nervous system. Patients experience symptoms like numbness in the arms and legs along with paralysis or blindness. The severity depends on the patient. The only thing that is standard across the board is

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  • March 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Chiropractic Care for Headaches Are you prone to headaches? If so, you’ve probably realized that performing normal, day to day activities is nearly impossible if you suffer from them consistently. If severe enough, like a migraine, it feels like relief is unachievable at times. Maybe you’ve tried

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  • February 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Back Muscle Spasms Back muscle spasms are one of the most common causes of back pain and affect people of all levels of activity. Convulsions can happen anytime a person is tired, dehydrated, not getting the right nutrition, or when there’s something out of place compressing a nerve or inflaming soft

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  • January 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

    New Year, New Spine The New Year is here! Have you thought about your New Year’s resolution yet? Most people like to cut back on chocolate or get to the gym more, but here’s a different idea: why not focus on taking better care of your spine? If you think about it, your spine is the structural groundwork

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  • December 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Slip & Fall Accidents During This Holiday Season Whether you’re celebrating a snowy holiday or visiting a colder area, it’s important to be careful during this chilly season. Slip and fall accidents happen to people of all ages, it doesn’t matter how physically fit you are! Whether you slip on

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  • November 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Tips for Traveling with Joint Pain As we approach the holiday season, many people will be traveling to parts of the country with different weather. If you suffer from joint pain, the trip and the change of climate can take a toll on you. Airports, train stations, and bus stations must provide accommodations

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  • October 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Prevent Back Injury While Doing Yard Work Sometimes a sporting injury isn’t the only way you can injure your back. If you’re a homeowner, outdoor tasks such as raking, gardening, mowing, and mulching can cause unnecessary back strain if you aren’t careful. As they always say, it’s better to work

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  • September 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Brachial Plexus Injuries If you’ve suffered from tingling, numbness, or pain radiating down your arm, the problem may actually be nerve damage closer to your shoulder. Most of the nerves in the arm arise from the cervical spine, gathering in the neck. They bundle together with a nerve from the upper

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  • August 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    How Chiropractors help Athletes Over the years chiropractors have become an important part of professional sports teams and have had a major impact on athletes’ careers. Many college, high school, and professional sports teams employ on-staff chiropractors to assist in keeping the athletes on the field

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  • July 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Chiropractic Treatment for Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a common medical condition that results in chronic pain throughout the body. It mainly attacks the soft tissues, causing musculoskeletal pain in the tendons, joints, and muscles. The American College of Rheumatology

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  • June 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Degenerative Neck Pain Neck pain is one of the chief areas of concern for chiropractors. While sudden injuries to the neck are often painful, slowly developing conditions that cause chronic pain and fatigue are even more common. This month, we’re going to take a look at some of the common reasons for

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  • May 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Living Healthier During the Summer With summer approaching quickly, it is the perfect time to start thinking about ways to live healthier. Many people think that in order to live healthier they need to drastically change their lifestyle. The reality is small changes can make a big difference. There are

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  • April Chiropractic Newsletter

    Back Pain and the Gluteal Region When we think of lower back pain, we may think of problems in the spinal column itself. It is true that slipped lumbar discs, inflammation in the facet joints, and strains in the muscles attaching directly to the vertebrae are all common causes of back pain. But in many

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  • Chiropractic Newsletter March 2019

    Workplace Habits and Poor Posture If you work at a desk job, it is easy to get into bad habits that can cause worse pain than you ever imagined was possible from sitting wrong. Bad posture in the workplace can cause your joints to fall out of alignment and results in stress to your muscles and the tissues

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  • February 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    The Connection between Whiplash and Concussions Chiropractors commonly serve as sports medicine doctors. Our expertise in the musculoskeletal system enables us to train teens and young adults to avoid overuse injuries and maximize flexibility. But there’s one type of injury that is of increasing concern

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  • January 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Psychological Consequences of Back Pain Back pain is the second leading cause of disability in the United States, and still many people overlook how profoundly their mindset is influencing the pain. Your attitude can contribute to your back pain or make it worse, based on how you view the pain and if

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  • 2018 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Sciatica The sciatic nerve is the longest and the widest nerve in the human body. It originates in the lower spinal cord and extends through the lower back, each hip, the buttocks, and legs. This nerve connects the spinal column to the legs and feet, making it responsible for any pain or sensation

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  • December 2018 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Sciatica The sciatic nerve is the longest and the widest nerve in the human body. It originates in the lower spinal cord, and extends through the lower back, each hip, the buttocks and legs. This nerve connects the spinal column to the legs and feet, making it responsible for any pain or sensation to

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  • November 2018 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Effects of Inflammation in the Body Inflammation is our body’s response to outside threats such as stress, infection, or toxic chemicals. When the immune system suspects danger from one of these factors, it responds by activating proteins meant to protect cells and tissues, which results in joint

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  • October 2018 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Makeover Your Mattress Healthy sleep is critical for every individual. It is required to retain information, learn new skills, and it’s necessary for our mental and physical health to thrive. Some of sleep’s critical functions include rejuvenating our body, growing muscle, repairing tissue, and

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  • September 2018 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Back pain is one of the most common reasons people miss work, and it’s no secret that work often contributes to back pain. In recent years, several media outlets have warned the public about the pain and debilitation which results from sitting for too long. But standing for too long also imperils the

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  • August 2018 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Pregnancy Aches and Pains: How Chiropractic Can Treat Them Aches and pains during pregnancy are part of the experience. From the moment of conception, a woman’s body goes through a plethora of changes. During these discomforts of back pain, pelvic pain, and postural adjustments, chiropractic care

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  • July 2018 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Pediatric Chiropractic Chiropractic care is safe and effective to practice on patients of all ages and chiropractic care for kids has gained popularity. Kids are starting athletics at a young age, parents are more cautious about doctors that over prescribe medication, and we all know kids are prone

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  • June 2018 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Chiropractic Approach to Arthritis Chiropractic is much more than spinal manipulations. It is a philosophy of medicine that emphasizes the use of noninvasive, non-addictive means of treating pain and allowing the body to heal itself. This approach means that most chiropractic offices offer a variety

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  • May 2018 Chiropractic Newsletter

    The Physical Effects of Stress The status of our mental health plays a large role in managing stress. Stress is the body’s fight or flight response to fear, anxiety, irritability, or anger. Stress is more than an emotion, however. When the mind is constantly fixated on something bothersome, the body

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  • April 2018 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Myofascial Release Technique Fascia is a continuous layer of connective tissue that exists throughout the whole body. Imagine a densely woven web that covers or touches every muscle, bone, and organ from head to toe. This incredible structure, like other body parts, responds to trauma and can tighten

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  • March 2018 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Sleeping Positions for Aches and Pains If you’ve ever lost a wink of sleep because your legs feel restless or your back is a bother, the problem may stem from your sleeping position. It’s easier said than done to change the way that we sleep, especially after we’ve habitually done so for several

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  • Feb 2018 Chiro Newsletter

    Causes and Treatments of Hip Pain The hips are some of the most common locations for people to feel pain. There are a number of ailments which could be responsible, but fortunately, most of them are treatable with minimally invasive chiropractic methods. Many of them also involve the soft tissues surrounding

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  • January 2018 Chiro Newsletter

    Back Pain in Cold Weather Many people who suffer from frequent pain in their backs and joints can testify that their soreness is worse in cold weather. While the reasons for this vary depending on the condition, treating and preventing pain during the winter months is of major importance to chiropractors,

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  • December 2017 Chiro Newsletter

    How the Change of Seasons Affects Our Health The clock has turned back one hour and the sun has gone into hibernation. This lack of sunshine not only dampens our mood but can lead to depression in the upcoming winter months. Serotonin is a chemical that influences a variety of body and psychological

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  • November Chiropractic Newsletter

    Chiropractic Treatment for Migraine Headaches What are migraine headaches? Everyone has had a headache at some point and we are all familiar with the throbbing feeling that can linger and really slow down your day. But there is more than one type of a headache, and chronic migraine sufferers will tell

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  • October 2017 Chiropractic Newsletter

    The Graston Technique Chiropractors practice many different methods to treat soft tissue injuries. Soft tissue mobilization uses a hands-on technique, using massage motions on muscles and ligaments in order to break down adhesions. An adhesion is your body’s attempt to heal a soft tissue injury

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  • Online Chiro September 2017 Newsletter

    Vertigo and Chiropractic Care It’s one thing to feel a bout of dizziness before, during, or after a workout, but imagine feeling dizzy for an entire day. We’re referring to vertigo, a condition in which you feel dizzy or off-balance as if the world is spinning around you. This condition can be temporary

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  • September 2017 Chiro Newsletter

    Vertigo and Chiropractic Care It’s one thing to feel a bout of dizziness before, during, or after a workout, but imagine feeling dizzy for an entire day. We’re referring to vertigo, a condition in which you feel dizzy or off-balance as if the world is spinning around you. This condition can be temporary

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Office Hours

Mary E. White, D.C. Chiropractic Clinic


9:00 AM-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


2:00 pm-6:00 pm


9:00 AM-1:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


2:00 pm-6:00 pm


9:00 AM-1:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


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